Feel Better In 7 Days By Doing This.

Feel Better In 7 Days By Doing This.

Noticeable changes in your health can happen quickly when you commit to a new routine of getting the right nutrition and a few key lifestyle changes. “If you’ve been missing essential vitamins, minerals, protein and digestive enzymes and adaptogens in your diet, and you add them in consistently, you may notice shifts in your energy, clarity, mood and body pretty quickly.” Cammarano, along with medical Founder of Flip My Life Dr. Gerald Farris created the FLIP 7 shakes after he flipped his own health. “I was overweight, had low energy, and was pretty unmotivated. When I started taking the shakes daily, I noticed a huge difference right away in key areas of my health that allowed me to make other healthy choices for myself as well.”

As our bodies age, we need to give it more support with the right nutrition. And not all shakes are created equal. So many protein shakes are made for athletes or 20 year olds. The FLIP My Life FLIP 7 shakes were formulated specifically to support the aging process and aid with whole body wellness, including inflammation, recovery, sleep, mood, clarity, focus, cellular hydration, weight management, cravings and more.

Add one FLIP 7 meal replacement shake a day to your routine to start feeling better fast. Once you’ve got that down, add in a few other basic lifestyle activities that support you on your health journey. Simple, consistent shifts in your nutrition, movement and mindset can help set you up for better health in the long run.

Replace 1 Meal a Day with a FLIP 7 Shake + try these 7 Health Hacks to start feeling better fast.

  • Get 15 minutes of morning sunshine as soon as you’re up. This not only gives you essential vitamin D, but may help with better sleep by creating establishing natural rythms in your body.
  • Create consistent waking and sleep times and get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Walk 30-45 minutes every day. We tend to underestimate the power of a simple walk outside. Walking is good for your body, is gentle and helps with emotional processing.
  • Weight train 3 x a week. You don’t need to lift heavy weights, but working with weights is more important as we age.
  • Learn to meditate. In addition to the mind/body benefits of meditation, it can take us out of our constant fight or flight mode and help lower cortisol levels in our body.
  • Practice Gratitude. Write down 3 things that you’re grateful for everyday.
  • Make time for fun. If you’ve forgotten how to play, be intentional about adding joy into your life with activities and people that spark happiness in your life.
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